Another possible project. I picked this Onkyo receiver up at our local Goodwill today for $20. There was some static when I turned the volume control. When I removed knob I found
Another possible project. I picked this Onkyo receiver up at our local Goodwill today for $20. There was some static when I turned the volume control. When I removed knob I found
Another possible project. I picked this Onkyo receiver up at our local Goodwill today for $20. There was some static when I turned the volume control. When I removed knob I found,オンキヨーの公式ショップ,オンキヨーの公式ショップ,オンキヨーの公式ショップ,2か月使ってみてわかったオンキヨー「GRANBEAT DP-CMX1」のいいところ、悪いところ - 価格.comマガジン