Structure–Photoluminescence Relationship in Ce3+-Doped K5Y(P2O7)2 and Its Sensitization to Dy3+ with Enhanced White Light Emission | Inorganic Chemistry
Structure–Photoluminescence Relationship in Ce3+-Doped K5Y(P2O7)2 and Its Sensitization to Dy3+ with Enhanced White Light Emission | Inorganic Chemistry
Structure–Photoluminescence Relationship in Ce3+-Doped K5Y(P2O7)2 and Its Sensitization to Dy3+ with Enhanced White Light Emission | Inorganic Chemistry,A review of two-dimensional porous graphene with in-plane pores: Pore construction and membrane applications - ScienceDirect,Fungal Polyketides: Chemical Diversity and Their Cytotoxic Effects | SpringerLink,Underwater Fabrication of Carbon Nanotube/Coacervate Composites | Langmuir,Crystal structure, theoretical studies and luminescent properties of a new borate Na 3 GdB 8 O 15 with one-dimensional broad-banded anionic framework - Dalton Transactions (RSC Publishing) DOI:10.1039/D0DT02586K